I woo thee with soft melody; Gone are the cares of life's busy throng Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me! Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me! Beautiful dreamer
Traducción: Snow, Hank. Beautiful Dreamer.
spaces was all that my poor heart could stand Every night as I lay on my pillow I would dream of my Blue Velvet Band [ steel ] Then one night as I lay down dreaming
have stood and watched the sunrise by the waters of the sea And wondered how much beauty in this whole world can that be My dreams are all worth dreaming
Was my darling the Blue River Rose Her eyes were the petals that glisten so bright Her smile was the sunshine so fair And the heart of my beautiful
then I thought I'd only stay down there for a day Now I think I'll never leave again In Panama those Panamamas They live the life of a beautiful dream
sun wallow in crimson and gold and grow dim Till the moon set the pearly peaks gleaming and the stars tumbled out neck and crop And I thought that I surely was dreaming
heartsick and so blue; But where can I turn at the end of the world And what good is love without you? So this is the end of a beautiful dream A dream