PILATEWho is this broken man cluttering up my hallway? Who is this unfortunate? SOLDIERSomeone Christ, King of the Jews. PILATEOh, so this is Jesus Christ
I dreamed I met a Galilean A most amazing man He had that look you very rarely find The haunting, hunted kind I asked him to say what had happened How
And so the King Is once again my guest And why is this? Was Herod unimpressed? We turned to Rome to sentence Nazareth We have no law to put a man to
Once I was happy in happy extremes These bitter tokens are worthless to me So you appear and say how I've grown Fill me up with faces I've known In this
(Andrew Lloyd Webber - Tim Rice) PILATE Who is this broken man cluttering up my hallway? Who is this unfortunate? SOLDIER Someone Christ, King of the
(Pilate) And so the king is once again my guest And why is this? Was Herod unimpressed? (Caiaphas) We turned to Rome To sentence Nazareth We have no
I dreamed I met a Galilean A most amazing man He had that look You very rarely find The haunting hunted kind I asked him To say what had happened How
Who is this man before me and what crime has he done? Do you want me to free him or let Barabas run? Barabas is a murderer, an evil man, a thief Yet you
Traducción: Webber, Andrew Lloyd. Trial Before Pilate.
Traducción: Webber, Andrew Lloyd. Pilatos e Cristo.
Traducción: Webber, Andrew Lloyd. Trial Before Pilate Incluindo Os 39 Lashes.
Traducción: Webber, Andrew Lloyd. Pilatos e Jesus.
Traducción: Webber, Andrew Lloyd. Pilatos e Cristo (Jesus Christ Superstar).
Traducción: Webber, Andrew Lloyd. Trial Before Pilate Incluindo Os 39 Lashes (Jesus Christ Superstar).
Traducción: Aztec Camera. Pillar To Post.
Traducción: DeYoung, Dennis. Sonho de Pilatos.
Traducción: Jesus Cristo Superstar trilha sonora. Trial Before Pilate (Incluindo os trinta e nove Lashes).
Traducción: Jesus Cristo Superstar trilha sonora. Trial Before Pilate.