not answerin', They always get my voicemail cause I'm Busy, whenever I get with her I'm busy and I'm a hityou later Cause I'm busy busy busy with her
m not answerin', They always get my voicemail cause I'm Busy, whenever I get with her I'm busy and I'm a hityou later Cause I'm busy busy busy with her
your friends business Ain't none of your friends business Whether you get sexed tonight Long as we protect ourselves and do it right It ain't none of your friends business
friends business It ain't none of your friends business Whether you get sexed tonight Long as we protect ourselves and do it right It ain't none of your friends business
Traducción: Ginuwine. Nenhum de vocês Business Friends.
friends business It aint none of your friends business Whether you get sexed tonight Long as we protect ourselves and do it right It aint none of your friends business
business It aint none of your friends business Whether you get sexed tonight Long as we protect ourselves and do it right It aint none of your friends business