wam Nali ibali elide; apho kwaqala khona inkathazo -zozo? Ndakhuliswa nguyise wam, owaswelekelwa esemtsha NguDarly wakhe, umama wam uEdith Nomvula Thomas
Traducción: Freshlyground. Nomvula (After The Rain).
Said hey I found a pretty little Buttercup While I was walking one day And she was such a pretty little buttercup I saw her walking one day I said, "
Did you hear the news on the radio today? People have agreed to give their love away I can't wait to be there in line! Politicians have agreed to honour
We believe you could do anything? if you didn?t try at all We believe the sun spins in your palm everyday and you don?t notice it at all? But try a
I am the man to reach across this frightened land And bring it glory Show me the man to reach across your tightened hand And tell your story ?Peace
Daddy please don?t go- I couldn?t face this lonely world without you Father please don?t go- I couldn?t walk this mortal coil without you here Through
What would you do if I kissed you? What would you do if I held your hand and laid you down? Would you find me overly unkind to you? Would you call
mhlobo wam Nali ibali elide; apho kwaqala khona inkathazo -zozo? Ndakhuliswa nguyise wam, owaswelekelwa esemtsha NguDarly wakhe, umama wam uEdith Nomvula
Ayibalulekanga imoto oyiqhubayo Andizikhathalelanga iimpahla ozingxibayo Nob' ubeth' iLoxion Kulca okanye ushay' iBillabong Ub? ubiziwe yiAfrika then
Hamba bhekile... Hamba nam Baby, to be loved by you! Kudala silapha Kudala simile Kudala silapha Kunini simile! Hamba nam Hamba, bhekile Sukuhlala ndawonye
Yini ngathi awusangithandi? Yini ngathi awusangifuni Baby? You used to hold me You used to laugh with me And now I feel you're despising me! Things have
Stop your mess and your fuss now baby I know you're the one You cover me with hands like a flower I see you're the one A touch in the night is all right
Vanish? is that all you know to do? To banish all the feelings inside you? Are you so afraid to cry? I ran into a friend we used to know Who perished
Abo Mjongeni bavaya nge Mercedes Mna noCarolina siyakorobha Asikhalazi! Sityisa aboo mamisa Mna noCarolina siyasebenza Bagqithile nabooMatiba Ngoku