negatives, its hard not to feel so. Loans mistaken affection, put them in your place cant buy her with gold leaf, incense hides the... Silence.
is negatives, its hard not to feel so. Loans mistaken affection, put them in your place cant buy her with gold leaf, incense hides the... Silence
Gone are the day's we spent out at the lake Seized the day, no appointments to make The sun shows up brightly as anywhere else Life was good, no sign
Cade giu in un giorno d'estate questa pioggia giovane sopra il viso, lungo le mani sulla campagna arida, su tristezze e antichi sospiri di canti di fortuna
Ich bin der schwarzeste Neger Ich bin der judischste Jud' Ich bin der deutscheste Deutsche Ich hab das roteste Blut Schweigen ist feige, Reden ist Gold