gone, and I'll end this all night The one hand throws the whiskey, and the other throws the gun As he cries out to the heavens, I am not my father's son
soul is gone, I've learned this all night The one hand throws the whiskey, and the other throws the gun As he cries out to the heavens I am not my father's son
Traducción: 3 Doors Down. Filho do pai.
Get strong-armed for baggage, it's tragic, some Vietnam shit Flat-lining all you cats up in a long wiz Out-of-towners, proper heavenly father, you know
Down from under, rose and fled to grow in hunger, now it's cold in summer To slow your slumbers, behold a number, 600, 6 and 3 score The same as he saw
a Tung blister It's the Mista Tung Twista Ha-ha-heeey Boy, that's Tung Twista for ya Comin at ya in 3d Ha-ha-ha ?? funkier than that, boy Check it out
odds But he just knocks me back down and screams at my mom He starts seeing a bond between me and these pictures He says 'look at these niggas, what are they? Father figures?' Now it's
he? Hello father, Father please help me, Tell me that God will forgive me now! Listen closely! Forgive me father I have sinned I did another preacher in at confession What's
m holding down this fortress Chorus 1, 2, 3 follow after he Christ is the Son of the Almighty 1, 2, 3 follow after he Christ is the Son of the Almighty
comes! 3 curses to the holy throne! No regrets! It's too late! The Goddess of the night comes! Will ask for what have you done! The father, holy ghost
know why We can't talk, close that door My father remembers Grandfather remembers Patching holes in the sky It's running all the time I can tell, this
f/ Ayana Uh, I puts it down Uh, 1, 2, 3 [Verse 1: SPM] Am I the purest of them all? Mirror, mirror on the wall Am I the one to ease the pain? Make them
swear to God every minute's starting to feel like a second I seen Hell staring down the barrel of a Smith & Wesson My son's ultrasound the closest I
breath, sweating I swear to God every minute's starting to feel like a second I seen Hell staring down the barrel of a Smith & Wesson My son's ultrasound
s, that's what I need But someone else could drop off threes, I got freeze [Verse 4] Lifeless cat can he help us with each other He's my partner, he's