
Letras: Oi Va Voi. A csitári hegyek alatt.

A csitari hegyek alatt
Regen leesett a ho
Azt hallottam kisangyalom
Veled esett el a lo

A csitari hegyek alatt
Regen leesett a ho
Azt hallottam kisangyalom
Veled esett el a lo
Kitorted a kezedet
Mivel olelsz engemet
Kitorted a kezedet
Mivel olelsz engemet
Igy hat kedves kisangyalom, nem lehetek a tied.

Amoda le van egy erdo
Jaj, de nagyon messze van
Kozepibe, kozepibe
Ket rozmaringbokor van

Amoda le van egy erdo,
Jaj, de nagyon messze van
Kozepibe, kozepibe
Ket rozmaringbokor van
Egylik hajlik a vallamra, masik a babamera

Babamera, babamera, babamera
Egylik hajlik a vallamra, masik a babamera
Igy hat kedves kisangyalom, tied leszek valaha

Translation :

Somewhere on the mountain side
The winter cold fell long ago
My little angel why did you have to fall out riding in the snow
If your arms are broken, tell me how
Will you ever hold me now
Darling then my little angel
How can I be yours again?

Look, in the distance there is a wood
But it is so far away
In the middle, in the middle
there are two rosemary bushes
Look, they are each leaning on each other, supporting each other
So you see, my darling little angel... somehow we will find a way.