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Songs of Scotland. Jerry Silverman. Voice sheet music. Piano, Vocal sheet music. Beginning.


Songs of Scotland. Jerry Silverman. Partituras de voz. Piano, partituras Vocal. Começo.


Songs of Scotland. 86 Favourite Scottish Songs and Ballads. Composed by Jerry Silverman. For Piano. Vocal. Squareback saddle-stitched, SongBook. Archive Edition. Scottish. Beginning-Intermediate. Book. 112 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94391. ISBN 9781562221119. Scottish. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Eighty-six Scottish songs in three categories. traditional ballads, the Jacobite Rebellions, Songs of Robert Burns and Republican Broadsides. The songs in this collection, in some small way, tell the history of the Scottish people. Includes melody line, lyrics, guitar chords and historical content. Flow Gently, Sweet Afton. Guidwife, Count The Lawin'. Hurree Hurroo. Maiden Of The Dark Brown Hair. The Bonnie Ship, The Diamond. The Four Marys. The Work Of The Weavers. Comin' Through The Rye. Hey, The Dusty Miller. My Dowrie's The Jewel. Such A Parcel Of Rogues. The Wee Magic Stane. We're A' Noddin'. Came Ye O'er Frae France. Jamie Raeburn's Farewell. Sodger Laddie. The Blantyre Explosion. John Anderson, My Jo. The Pride Of Glencoe. Green Grow the Rashes, O. Haud Yer Tounge Dear Sally. Skye Boat Song. Braw Lads O' Galla Water. My Bonnie Moorhen. Auld Lang Syne. Bonnie Charlie's Now Awa'. Ding Dong Dollar. Dumbarton's Drums. Lang A-Growing. Lord Randal. Lowe Bonnie. Once More I Hail Thee. The Haughs O' Cromdale. Ye Jacobites By Name. I'm O'er Young. Kellyburn Braes. Scots Wha Hae. The Blue Bells Of Scotland. The Bonnie House O' Airlie. Weel May The Keel Row. Where The Gaudy Runs. Annie Laurie. Bonnie George Campbell. Henry Martin. Is There For Honest Poverty. A Man's A Man For A'. Johnny Cope. The Coronation Coronach. The Gypsy Rover. The Piper O' Dundee. Will Ye Go To Sheriffmuir. Johnie Blunt. My Luve Is Like A Red, Red Rose. O, Whistle An' I'll Come To Ye, Me Lad. Son David. Wae's Me For Prince Charlie. Donald Macgillavry. MacPherson's Farewell. Maids, When You're Young Never Wed An Old Man. The Bonnie Earl Of Murray. The Bonniest Lass. Bonnie Dundee. Charlie Is My Darling. O, Are Ye Sleepin', Maggie. The Lowlands Of Holland. This Is No My Ain House. Waillie, Waillie. Wanderin' Willie. Corn Rigs. The Dowie Dens Of Yarrow. To The Begging I Will Go. For The Sake O' Somebody. Loch Lomond. The Barnyards Of Delgaty. The Calton Weaver. The Great Silkie. The Trooper And The Maid. There's Three Brave Loyal Fellows. Sir Patrick Spens. The Highland Widow's Lament. Brown Adam, The Smith. John Highlandman. Rigs O' Rye. Rothesay-O. The Wee Cooper O'fife. The Wee Wee Man. The Wee, Wee German Lairdie.


Songs of Scotland. 86 Canções escoceses favoritos e baladas. Composta por Jerry Silverman. Para Piano. Vocal. Squareback sela-costurado, SongBook. Arquivo Edição. Escocesa. Começando-Intermediate. Livro. 112 páginas. Publicado por Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94391. ISBN 9781562221119. Escocesa. 8,75 x 11,75 polegadas. Oitenta e seis canções escocesas em três categorias. baladas tradicionais, as rebeliões jacobitas, canções de Robert Burns e bordos republicanos. As músicas dessa coleção, de alguma maneira, contar a história do povo escocês. Inclui linha de melodia, letras, acordes de guitarra e conteúdo histórico. Fluxo Gently, Sweet Afton. Guidwife, Contagem O Lawin '. Hurree Hurroo. Donzela Of The Dark Brown cabelo. The Ship Bonnie, The Diamond. The Four Marys. O trabalho dos tecelões. Comin 'Through The Rye. Hey, The Dusty Miller. Meu Dowrie The Jewel. Tal uma parcela de Rogues. The Wee Magia Stane. Nós somos Um Noddin '. Veio Ye O'er Frae França. O adeus de Jamie Raeburn. Sodger Laddie. A explosão Blantyre. John Anderson, Meu Jo. The Pride Of Glencoe. Green Grow as erupções cutâneas, O. Haud Yer Tounge Caro Sally. Skye Boat Song. Braw Lads O 'Galla Água. My Bonnie Galinha-d'água. Auld Lang Syne. De Bonnie Charlie Agora Awa '. Ding Dong Dollar. Bateria de Dumbarton. Lang A-Crescer. Senhor Randal. Bonnie Lowe. Uma vez mais eu saudar-te. Cromdale O Haughs O '. Ye jacobitas Por Nome. Estou O'er Jovem. Kellyburn Braes. Scots Wha Hae. O Blue Bells Of Scotland. A Bonnie Casa O 'Airlie. Weel Maio The Keel Row. Onde Runs O Gaudy. Annie Laurie. Bonnie George Campbell. Henry Martin. Está lá para Pobreza Honest. Um homem de um homem por um '. Johnny Cope. A coroação Coronach. The Gypsy Rover. The Piper O 'Dundee. Ireis Para Sheriffmuir. Johnie Blunt. Meu Luve é como uma Rosa vermelha, vermelha. O, Whistle Um Eu virei para Ye, Me Lad. Filho David. Do Wae Me For Prince Charlie. Donald Macgillavry. O adeus de MacPherson. Maids, quando você é jovem Nunca Qua Um ancião. O Earl Of Bonnie Murray. O Bonniest Lass. Bonnie Dundee. Charlie Is My Darling. O, vós sois Dormindo, Maggie. Terras baixas da Holanda. Este não é nenhum My Ain Casa. Waillie, Waillie. Wanderin 'Willie. Rigs milho. O Dowie Dens de Yarrow. Para O Implorar I Will Go. Para Somebody O Sake O '. Loch Lomond. O Barnyards Of Delgaty. O Calton Weaver. A Grande Silkie. The Trooper ea empregada. Há três companheiros leais Bravos. Sir Patrick Spens. Lamento de The Highland Widow. Brown Adam, The Smith. John Highlandman. Rigs O 'Rye. Rothesay-O. The Wee Cooper O'fife. The Wee Wee Man. The Wee, Wee alemão Lairdie.