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Parking Lot Picker's Songbook - Guitar. Dix Bruce. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Flatpicking Guitar sheet music.


De Parking Lot Picker Songbook - Guitar. Dix Bruce. Música acústica folha Guitarra. Flatpicking partituras de guitarra.


Parking Lot Picker's Songbook - Guitar composed by Dix Bruce. For Guitar. Flatpick. Wire bound, Songbook. Parking Lot Pickers. Bluegrass. Multiple Levels. Book. 2-CD Set. 304 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.96864BCD. ISBN 9780786674985. Bluegrass. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. A collection of over 200 great Bluegrass, Old Time, Country and Gospel standards. Melodies are presented with standard notation and tablature along with lyrics and chords. Learn to play songs written and recorded by the giants of traditional American music. Bill Monroe, The Stanley Brothers, Flatt & Scruggs, Ralph Stanley, The Osborne Brothers, Jimmy Martin, Doc Watson and many more. Also included. Step-by-Step instruction on how to transpose any song to any key. The two CDs include recordings of EVERY song in the book. A Beautiful Life. A Short Life of Trouble. All The Good Times. Amazing Grace. Angel Band. Angelina Baker. Angels Rock Me To Sleep. Are You From Dixie. Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Arkansas Traveller. Aunt Dinah's Quilting Party. Away In A Manger. Banks Of The Ohio. Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem. Bile Them Cabbage Down. Black Eyed susie. Blue Ridge Mountain Blues. Bound To Ride. Bright Morning Stars. Bring Back to Me My Wandering Boy. Buffalo Gals. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. C-H-I-C-K-E-N. Can't You Hear Me Callin'. Careless Love. Children Go Where I Send Thee. Cindy. Columbus Stockade Blues. Cotton-Eyed Joe. Cowboy Jack. Cripple Creek. Crying Holy. Daniel Prayed. Danny Boy. Darling Corey. Darling Nellie Gray. Darling Will You Ever Think of Me. Deep Elem Blues. Diamonds In The Rough. Do Lord. Don't Let Your Deal Go Down. Don't This Road Look Rough and Rocky. Don't You Hear Jerusalem Moan. Down Among the Budded Roses. Down in the valley to Pray. Down In The Willow Garden. Down the road. Drifting Too Far From the Shore. East Virginia Blues. Fair And Tender Ladies. Fathers Have a Home Sweet Home. Feast Here Tonight. Footprints in the Snow. Give Me Oil in My Lamp. Give Me the Roses While I Live. Going Down This Road Feeling Bad. Grandfather's Clock. Great Speckled Bird. Green Pastures. Groundhog. Hallelujah. I'm Ready. Hand Me Down My Walking Cane. Handsome Molly. Hard Times, Come Again No More. Have Thine Own Way, Lord. He Was A Friend Of Mine. He Will Set Your Fields On Fire. High on a Mountain. Highway of Sorrow. Hills of Roane County. His Eye Is On The Sparrow. Hold Fast to the Right. Hold to God's Unchanging Hand. HOme Sweet Home. Honey in the Rock. Hop High Ladies. Hot Corn, Cold Corn. How Can You Treat Me So. I Ain't Gonna Work Tomorrow. I Know You Rider. I Never Will Marry. I Shall Not Be Moved. I Wonder How the Old Folks are at Home. I'll Be All Smiles Tonight. I'll Fly Away. I'm Working On A Building. In the Garden. In The Pines. It's Mighty Dark To Travel. Jesse James. Jimmie Brown, the Newsboy. John Hardy. John Henry. Jordan. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Just As I Am. Just Over In The Gloryland. Katy Cline. Katy Daley. Katy Dear. Keep On the Sunnyside. Knoxville Girl. Late Last Night. Leave It There. Let Me Rest at the End of My Journey. Li'l Liza Jane. Life's Railway to Heaven. Little Annie. Little Bessie. Little Birdie. Little Maggie. Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane. Little Rosewood Casket. Little Sadie. Little Willie. Lonesome Valley. Long Journey Home. Lord, I'm Coming Home. Mama Don't Allow. Man Of Constant Sorrow. Methodist Pie. Midnight On The Stormy Deep. Milwaukee Blues. Molly and Tenbrooks. My Home's Across The Blue Ridge Mountains. My Little Georgia Rose. New River Train. Nine Pound Hammer. Nobody's Business. Oh Death. Oh. Didn't He Ramble. Old Dan Tucker. Old Home Place. Old Joe Clark. Old Man at the Mill. Old Paint. Old Time Religion. On And On. Over the Hills to the Poorhouse. Pass Me Not. Paul and Silas. Pig In A Pen. Poor Ellen Smith. Precious Memories. Pretty Polly. Put My Little Shoes Away. Railroad Bill. Rain And Snow. Rank Strangers to Me. Red Rocking Chair. Red Wing. Reuben's Train. Rocky Top. Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms. Roll On Buddy. Roving Gambler. Sailor On The Deep Blue Sea. Sally Goodin. Shady Grove. Bluegrass Style. Shady Grove. Old Time Style. Shall We Gather At The River. Shortenin' Bread. Silver Threads Among The Gold. Sitting On Top Of The World. Softly And Tenderly. Somebody Touched Me. Standing in the Need of Prayer. Sugar Hill. Sweet By And By. Sweet Sunny South. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Take This Hammer. Talk About Sufferin'. The Bluebirds are Singing for Me. The Bully Of The Town. The Church In The Wildwood. The Crawdad Song. The Cuckoo. The Foggy Mountain Top. The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee. The Letter Edged In Black. The Maple on the Hill. The Old Rugged Cross. The Train That Carried My Girl From Town. The Unclouded Day. The Wayfaring Stranger. The Wreck of the Old 97. There's More Pretty Girls Than One. They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun'. This Little Light of Mine. This Train. This World Is Not My Home. Train 45. Wabash Cannonball. Walk In Jerusalem Just Like John. Walking In My Sleep. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. When I Die. When I Lay My Burden Down. When My Race is Run. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. When The Saints Go Marching In. When The Work's All Done This Fall. When You And I Were Young Maggie. Where The Soul Never Dies. Where You There When They Crucified My Lord. Whitehouse Blues. Who Broke the Lock. Who Will Sing for Me. Wild Bill Jones. Wildwood Flower. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown. Willie My Darling. Worried Man Blues. You're a Flower Blooming in the Wildwood.


De Parking Lot Picker Songbook - Guitar composta por Dix Bruce. Para Guitarra. Flatpick. Fio ligado, Songbook. Parking Lot Pickers. Bluegrass. Vários Níveis. Livro. Set 2-CD. 304 páginas. Publicado por Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.96864BCD. ISBN 9780786674985. Bluegrass. 8,75 x 11,75 polegadas. Uma coleção de mais de 200 grandes Bluegrass, à antiga, padrões country e gospel. Melodias são apresentados com notação padrão e tablatura, juntamente com letras e acordes. Aprenda a tocar as canções escritas e gravadas pelos gigantes da música tradicional americana. Bill Monroe, The Stanley Brothers, Flatt. Também incluído. Passo-a-Passo instruções sobre como transpor qualquer música a qualquer tecla. Os dois CDs incluem gravações de cada música no livro. A Beautiful Life. A curta vida de Problemas. All The Good Times. Amazing Grace. Anjo Banda. Angelina Baker. Anjos Rock Me To Sleep. Você Veio Dixie. Você está lavado no sangue do Cordeiro. Arkansas viajante. Quilting Festa da tia Dinah. Away In A Manger. Banks Of The Ohio. Estrela bonita de Belém. Bile-los Repolho baixo. Black Eyed Susie. Blue Ridge Mountain Azuis. Bound To passeio. Estrelas manhã brilhante. Bring Back to Me My Wandering Boy. Buffalo Gals. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. C-H-I-C-K-E-N. Não Can You Hear Me Chamando. Amor Careless. Children Go Where te envio. Cindy. Columbus Stockade Azuis. Cotton-Eyed Joe. Cowboy Jack. Cripple Creek. Chorando Santo. Daniel orou. Danny Boy. Querida Corey. Querida Nellie Cinza. Querida você nunca vai Think of Me. Elem azuis profundos. Diamonds in the Rough. Do Senhor. Não deixe seu negócio Ir para o fundo. Não This Road olhar áspero e Rocky. Você não o ouve Jerusalém Moan. Baixo Entre as rosas enxertadas. No vale a Orar. Down In The Willow Garden. Na estrada. Acumulando muito longe da costa. Leste Virginia Azuis. Fair And Tender Ladies. Padres Ter um lar doce lar. Festa aqui esta noite. Footprints in the Snow. Dê-me óleo em minha lâmpada. Dê-me as rosas enquanto eu viver. Indo por este caminho Sentindo Bad. Relógio do Avô. Grande Pássaro Speckled. Pastos verdes. Groundhog. Aleluia. Eu estou pronto. Distribua Me Down My bengala. Bonito Molly. Hard Times, não vem mais. Tenha Tua própria maneira, Senhor. Ele foi um amigo meu. Ele irá definir o seu Campos On Fire. No alto de uma montanha. Rodovia of Sorrow. Colinas de Roane County. Seu olho está no pardal. Apegar-se à Direita. Segure a mão imutável de Deus. Home Sweet Home. Mel na Rocha. Hop altos das senhoras. Milho quente, milho Fria. Como você pode tratar-me assim. Eu não vou trabalhar amanhã. I Know You Rider. Eu nunca vai se casar. I Shall Not Be Moved. Eu me pergunto como o Old Folks at Home são. Vou ficar Smiles Hoje à noite. Eu voarei afastado. Eu estou trabalhando em uma construção. No Jardim. In The Pines. É poderoso escuro para viajar. Jesse James. Jimmie Brown, o jornaleiro. John Hardy. John Henry. Jordânia. Just A Closer Walk Com Ti. Assim como eu sou. Just Over No Gloryland. Katy Cline. Katy Daley. Katy Caro. Mantenha-se na Sunnyside. Knoxville Menina. Tarde Last Night. Deixá-lo lá. Deixe-me descansar no fim da minha jornada. Li'l Liza Jane. Ferroviária de Vida para o Céu. Annie pequena. Pouco Bessie. Pouco passarinho. A pequena Maggie. Pouco Log Cabin velho na pista. Pouco Rosewood Casket. Pouco Sadie. Pouco Willie. Lonesome Vale. Longa Jornada para o Lar. Senhor, estou voltando para casa. Mama Não Permitir. Man Of Constant Sorrow. Metodista Pie. Meia-noite do Stormy Profunda. Milwaukee azuis. Molly e Tenbrooks. Minha casa do outro lado da Blue Ridge Mountains. My Little Georgia Rose. New River Train. Nine Pound Hammer. Da conta de ninguém. Oh Morte. Ó. Será que ele não Ramble. Old Dan Tucker. Old Home Local. Old Joe Clark. Old Man at the Mill. Pintura Velha. Old Time Religion. Sem parar. Sobre os montes para o albergue. Pass Me Not. Paulo e Silas. Porco em uma Pen. Pobre Ellen Smith. Precious Memories. Bastante Polly. Coloque My Little Shoes Fora. Railroad Bill. Chuva e neve. Posição estranhos para mim. Rocking Chair Red. Red Wing. Ferroviária de Reuben. Rocky Top. Enrole nos braços de My Sweet Baby. Rolo Em camarada. Gambler Roving. Sailor On The Deep Blue Sea. Sally Goodin. Shady Grove. Estilo Bluegrass. Shady Grove. Old Style Tempo. Shall We Gather At The River. Pão Shortenin '. Fios de prata entre os Ouro. Sentado no topo do mundo. Manso e suave. Alguém Touched Me. De pé na necessidade de Oração. Sugar Hill. Doce por e por. Doce Sunny South. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Take This Martelo. Talk About Sufferin. Os Bluebirds estão cantando para mim. O Bully Of The Town. Igreja no Wildwood. O Crawdad Canção. The Cuckoo. A Foggy Mountain Top. A menina que eu amei em Sunny Tennessee. A letra afiada In Black. O Maple na Colina. Rude Cruz. O trem que carregava My Girl De Cidade. O Dia Unclouded. The Stranger Wayfaring. The Wreck of the Old 97. Há mais meninas bonitas do que um. Eles tem que Quit Kickin 'My Dawg Aroun'. This Little Light of Mina. This Train. Este mundo não é minha casa. Treinar 45. Wabash Cannonball. Caminhada em Jerusalém Just Like John. Walking In My Sleep. Que amigo nós temos em Jesus. Quando eu morrer. Quando eu coloco meu Burden de Down. Quando minha corrida é realizada. Quando o rolo é chamado Yonder. When The Saints Go Marching In. Quando todo o trabalho feito de esta queda. Quando você e eu Were Young Maggie. Onde a alma nunca morre. Onde você lá quando eles crucificaram meu Senhor. Whitehouse Azuis. Quem quebrou o Bloqueio. Quem vai cantar para mim. Wild Bill Jones. Wildwood Flower. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Haverá alguma Estrelas Em minha coroa. Willie My Darling. Preocupado Man Blues. Você é um Blooming Flower in the Wildwood.